Call to Christians


We are not called to agree with everyone. We are not called to support the decisions of everyone. However, we ARE called to love everyone.

And, it is not easy. It is a thousand choices. It is remembering that Jesus forgave us first. Loved us first.

The confused teen who gets an abortion. The tabloid sensation who assigns himself a new gender. The extremist Muslim who kills twenty to appease his god.

They have this in common: God loves them! The one true God loves them and loves them deeply.

The man in the Jeep who cut you off. The man who left your daughter for another woman. The woman who cheated on you.

God loves them just as much.

This does not mean that he is any more pleased with their actions than are you, but He loves them deeply and fully.

As Christians, we are the first to turn our love on. This does not mean tolerating the sins of others or trying to justify them. This does not mean passively letting others hurt us. It also does not mean hurting others.

If in doubt, ask God what to do. If not in doubt, ask God what to do.

This post has become fairly commanding. And, though this is something we are called to do as Christians, it is also something we get to do. God will bless you as you choose to love those who, by worldly standards, do not deserve love. You are laying up treasure in heaven.

And, when we choose to love those undeserving of love, we present an opportunity for evil to be released instead of just trading it back and forth. This can be extremely difficult to do, as we are worried that the person may get an unrealistic understanding of the effect their actions have had. I say this, love anyway. Do not forget that God is at work, and His justice will be delivered. Let our Shepherd call His lost sheep back in the gentle way only He can.