Satan's Second Greatest Lie

It’s said that Satan’s greatest trick is convincing the world that he doesn’t exist. Being a believer makes this no less true. I constantly discover agreements that I have made with lies only to find out, after damage has been done, that Satan wove his lies in with a partial truth!

But, in understanding his second lie, we discover a new power/defense we can wield. I contend that Satan’s second greatest lie is convincing the world that we don’t have a choice.

I spent a decade of my life believing that all humans are predisposed to the life they are leading. That is, the sum of your experiences, taking all the variables of circumstance, timing, brain chemistry, etc. into account, defines your life. For example, a child born into a believing family, a happy community, having a sound mind, and not being confronted with extreme or violent adversity will make choices that proportionately line up with that life—namely, good choices. A child born into the opposite will make choices that proportionately line up with that life—namely, bad choices.

I was almost thirty when I realized that free will is a real thing! Our all powerful God gave us the power to choose. Satan works very hard (and, we have made his job decidedly easier by believing him) to maintain our belief that we are victims of our horrible lives, or victims of circumstance, or victims of others’ actions. He loves it when we think we are powerless and nothing can be done!

This is a lie.

God constantly gives us choice. And, the choice is always choose God or not. We call it a choice between good and evil, but it is actually a choice between choosing to glorify our loving Creator or not.

In choosing God, we are empowered to change hearts, connect lovingly with others, mend hurts, heal wounds, heal cities, heal nations! We choose to not be victims. We choose to submit to God. There’s a paradox! We must submit to gain the power to leave victimhood behind. We may not get to choose what happens to us, but we can certainly choose God when it does.

And, before you believe Satan’s third greatest lie, that it won’t get better, know this: it does! The sick are healed! Hearts are softened! Forgiveness is extended. Life is chosen! Love conquers!